A trade-based economy with Metal Shards as the primary currency.Aloy can swim, but may encounter hostile Snapmaws in certain waters.Alternatively, health potions can be crafted and used from the quick inventory. Instead Aloy has a "medicine pouch" which must be filled using local plants, and which provides a rapid healing effect when triggered. Health does not regenerate normally (except when Aloy has extremely low health and is not currently under attack, in which case it will regenerate a small amount).Using it in combat allows easier location of enemies, and allows the player to identify their relative level, type, and for machine enemies highlights components and displays any elemental strengths and weaknesses. It marks out points of interest and is used in a number of "detective" side quests, and can highlight enemy patrol routes. Aloy has an old-world device called a Focus which provides an augmented reality display when activated.Upgrades can allow longer control of non-ridable machines and allow repairs to overridden machines. This allows her to ride certain quadrupedal machines such as the Broadhead and Strider, while others will assist in combat. Aloy quickly gains the ability to override hostile machines with old-world technology.A "robotic ecosystem" where each machine type has its own unique behaviors and purpose.Certain enemies have scanners which can detect Aloy regardless of line of sight if they are not destroyed. Stealth is also a central element, mostly based around line-of-sight cover with patches of red-topped tall grass acting as hiding spots when Aloy crouches in them.

Some opponents have weapon systems which can be shot off and then used against them, with a limited ammo supply. Damaging components on certain enemies can deal extra damage, inflict status effects, or deny them the use of certain attacks. Machine enemies feature a location-based damage system with many destructible components.Aloy has multiple weapons at her disposal, including bows with various arrow types, a melee spear, tripwire and rope launchers, slings which fire elemental or explosive bombs, a powerful gun-like weapon that fires compressed air, and a shotgun-like close-combat weapon.Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds adds a fourth, Traveller, which focuses on ridable creatures and includes more resource-based skills. In the base game there are three trees: Prowler, Brave, and Forager: respectively these primarily boost stealth and evasion, direct combat, and various skills related to resources. A level system which increases Aloy's health and provides token-based unlocks with a skill tree.Horizon Zero Dawn features quest elements which include the main story quests, as well as a number of side quests and activities.Horizon: Zero Dawn - The Frozen Wilds ReviewĠ6 November 2017 Gameplay Features