Voice was heard above 20 times 'by divers Godly persons.' Manner, ' Boy! Boy! Come Away! Come Away!' the voice frequently shifting its location, in the whimsical manner, from point to point, separated by a great distance. Hill were being treated to a different sort of hair-raising demonstration, a voice having been heard on the water, toward South Boston-then also uninhabited-crying out in a most dreadful Later returns from different quarters showed that while the North enders were watching this pyrotechnic display the people along the shore from North Ferry to Fort Illuminated disc floated off behind the hill on 'Nottle's Island,' disappearing from sight of the wondering eyes of Bostonians. Of 'Nottle's Island,' now East Boston-but then uninhabited, and an ideal place for ghostly gambols-and there it was met by its twin light, the two suddenly merging into one, then parting,Īnd thus continuing uniting and separating, as if in playful mood, many times, all the while ' shooting out sometimes flames and sometimes sparkles.' Finally, uniting permanently, the big On one occasion, the story was, that at 8 o'clock, a light resembling the moon rose from the water at the wreck, sailed through the air till it was over the highest point Those who were 'out late 'o night' along the waterfront. The restless spirits of the deep continued to make things satisfactorily terrifying for Through the air just 12 minutes, vanished at the spot where the remains of the ship were resting. Was told and retold about the town, for the next few days, till the whole population had reached a mental condition that made them capable of seeing the ghosts of Chaddock's buccaneers, ifĪ week after the event just described, the old records say, ' the twin lights were seen again by many,' but this time they arose off Castle Island, and after traveling They made the still more inexplicable that the two lights assumed the form of a man, and sailed leisurely off over the water to the south, keeping but a shortĭistance from the shore, till it reached a point now occupied by Rowe's Wharf, at the foot of Franklin St., where it vanished as suddenly as it had appeared just 15 minutes before. Out of the water, at the place where the vessel had been blown up, just off the North Ferry slip. Yawn and hell itself breathes forth contagion in the air,' three men in a boat, coming toward Boston-a strange hour for reputable puritans to be so far from home-saw two bright lights rise Chaddock's ill-fated ship and crew, and just at 'the witching hour of midnight,' as Shakespeare calls it, 'when churchyards "Exactly 16 days after the blowing up of Capt. Chaddock was essentially a pirate,Īnd had previously attempted to colonize Trinidad with a party of Bostonians. The citizens ofīoston eventually ascertained that one of Chaddock's men had conjured up the spirits of the dead sailors, which was the origin of the mysterious lights. Soon after, unexplained lights appeared in the sky. Governor John Winthrop made twoĮntries in his journal in regards to this unholy affair.Ĭaptain John Chaddock's ship blew up at Battery Street in the North End.

In January 1644, America's first USO, or Unidentified Submerged Object, was sighted.